overleaf template galleryLaTeX templates — Recent
LaTeX templates for journal articles, academic papers, CVs and résumés, presentations, and more.

This project provides a LaTeX document class suitable for writing academic dissertations and thesis according to the formatting rules established by the Alberto Luiz Coimbra Institute for Graduate Studies and Research in Engineering (COPPE/UFRJ). The 'coppe' class contains a minimalist set of macro commands which allows its users to create the required textual elements following the COPPE/UFRJ dissertation/thesis guidelines. Among these elements, there are a front cover, a title page, cataloging details, native and foreign languages abstracts, table of contents, and list of bibliographic references. Although it is tied to the COPPE/UFRJ guidelines, it can be easily ported to other institutions. This version follows the document: Norma para a Elaboração Gráfica de Teses/Dissertações COPPE/UFRJ Aprovada pela CPGP em 15 de julho de 2008 Com correção no Anexo III, páginas 19 e 20, em 01/10/2009 (Revisada em 10/09/2010) (Revisada em 26/11/2019 – Alteração da Folha Aprovação, Anexo III, páginas 22 e 23) Important Notice - ReadMe first! This project is NOT officially supported by COPPE/UFRJ. All of its content is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. It is under the GNU General Public License version 3.

Modelo Canônico de Artigo da PUC Minas com adequações às novas alterações (2024) da ABNT.

A comprehensive LaTeX template for creating professional academic CVs. This template includes customizable sections for personal information, education, research experience, publications, awards, and more. It features a clean, organized layout suitable for various academic disciplines, with options for different fonts and color schemes.

Modelo de TCC de graduação

Este é um template montado a partir do ABNTEX para servir de modelo de TCC para o Profmat UFOP. Naturalmente pode ser adaptado.

A comprehensive thesis template specifically designed for final-year projects, tailored for students in the Department of Electrical, Electronics, and Computer Systems at the University of Sargodha.

Modelo de TCC do curso de Engenharia Elétrica do IFPR - Campus Paranavaí.

Modelo padrão para a submissão de Resumos para o Workshop em Computação Aplicada (WORCAP) do Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais - INPE (https://www.gov.br/inpe/pt-br/eventos/worcap-2024). Documento baseado no modelo da SBMAC para o CNMAC.

Plantilla en català per a preparar una tesi d'acord amb els criteris del'Escola de Doctorat de la Universitat de Girona.
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