LaTeX templates and examples — Exam

A template for typesetting question papers

Sample test using "mathexam" package

Template de Prova e Lista de Exercícios da Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC)

This will help to formate question paper in Indian context/style.

An example exam paper using the examdesign class, which has the following features: automatic generation of answer keys if needed; automatic generation of multiple versions of the same test; environments for constructing the most common types of test question: matching, true/false, multiple-choice, fill-in-the-blank, and short answer/essay questions. This template was originally published on ShareLaTeX and subsequently moved to Overleaf in November 2019.

An example exam paper using mathexam package features. The mathexam package can help in creating exams for math or related disciplines (which are required to show calculations followed by short answers). This example was originally published on ShareLaTeX and subsequently moved to Overleaf in November 2019.

A math exam template prepared with LaTeX

A template for instructors to create exams for Mathematics/Statistics classes.

DIÁRIO DE CLASSE Template Created by Sara R. Pacheco& Milena N. Lima &Fernanda D.Gomes Science Project at school 2017-FAPEAM View:
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