Zhuowen Yuan
Letzte Aktualisierung
vor 3 Jahren
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LaTeX thesis template for CS undergraduates, Fudan University, 2022.
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% keywords
\zihao{-3}\hei 关键词:
\zihao{-4}\song 番茄炒蛋;辣椒
This paper proposes a new cooking method of tomato scrambled eggs with pepper. Its most important idea is to add chili peppers. We found Jiangsu's scrambled eggs to be too sweet and Anhui's tomato scrambled eggs too salty, and in essence the best solution was to add chili peppers. From the many chili peppers, we analyzed from the various natures, and found that a key point is to use green jalapeños with just the right maturity. Because of its small size, it will not overwhelm guests; because of its green color, it increases the color richness of the dish. The most important thing is that this stuff is so fucking spicy, who knows who eats it. We have done a lot of experiments and found that it is suitable for all ages. Anyone who eats chili will quickly finish their rice. It can be seen that this bowl of tomato scrambled eggs with chili makes people appetite.
% keywords
\zihao{-3}\hei Keywords:
\zihao{-4}\songti \rm Tomato scrambled eggs; Pepper
\item 开创性的提出了加辣椒版的番茄炒蛋,缝合了上海和皖南人的矛盾.
\item 成功的整合了川菜和淮扬菜,形成了两个菜系的大一统.
\item 经过细致分析,从众多辣椒中找到了墨西哥辣椒,在保证极佳口感下,最优化方便和美观.
\item 实验非常好的证明了我们菜肴的受众满意度.
番茄炒蛋 番茄的做法古来有之.主要是生吃或熟吃.生吃中,有直接当水果生啃的\cite{example2022},也有加点糖凉拌的\cite{example2022}.其中最新的做法是后处理成番茄酱\cite{example2022},这类吃法都挺不错的,但人不能总吃生菜吧?最重要的熟菜中,番茄的做法也纷繁复杂.但万变不离其宗,不是西红柿牛腩,就是牛腩西红柿,其中与本方法很相关的是一道番茄蛋汤,但除了广东人,谁没事喝汤啊?从番茄的角度来说还得是番茄炒蛋.
我们对模型的参数$\theta$ perform一次梯度下降:
\theta_{i+1}=\theta_{i}-\frac{\partial \mathcal{L}(y;\theta)}{\partial \theta}
Quantitative results 由\cref{tab:1}所示,qualitative results由\cref{fig:1}所示.
\textbf{Methods} & \textbf{A} & \textbf{B} \\
Yours & 0.000 & 0.000 \\
Theirs & 0.000 & 0.000 \\
Ours & \textbf{1.000} & \textbf{1.000} \\
I would like to thank xxx for their advice.