Linear regression is one of the most widely used statistical methods available today. It is used by data analysts and students in almost every discipline. However, for the standard ordinary least squares method, there are several strong assumptions made about data that is often not true in real world data sets. This can cause numerous problems in the least squares model. One of the most common issues is a model overfitting the data. Ridge Regression and LASSO are two methods used to create a better and more accurate model. I will discuss how overfitting arises in least squares models and the reasoning for using Ridge Regression and LASSO include analysis of real world example data and compare these methods with OLS and each other to further infer the benefits and drawbacks of each method.
Plantilla que contiene la estructura básica para cumplir con el formato "APA7" de estudiantes universitarios.
Modificado por última vez: 27/07/21
This is a template for an empirical term paper at the university. It comes with a nice folder structure that allows a good overview of the different text parts.
It includes various options that are customizable (e.g. cover page/no cover page; including/excluding table of content, list of figures/tables) and also gives a quick introduction into the very basics of LaTeX such as highlighting, citing, writing, including tables, figures, and mathematical equations.