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The Overleaf Gallery is a publicly accessible collection of templates and examples, many of which have been created and submitted by Overleaf users. We are happy to approve any original templates that can be used by others to help them with their work, and we are grateful for everyone’s contribution to the community.

Note: If you're looking for more information on how to submit to one of our publishing partners, you can find that in this related article.

How to submit a project to the Overleaf Gallery

Here's a short video showing how to submit your project to the Overleaf Gallery:

How to update a published template

To update a template, simply make the changes that you wish to see in the same project that you originally submitted, and go through the submission steps described in the video above.

Be sure to use the same project as the original submission - do not submit updates to an existing templates from a different project than the original.

When you submit a document to the Overleaf gallery, we use that version of the document (at the time of submission) to create the published template, example or article. Any further changes you make to the original document will not be reflected automatically in the published version (to prevent accidental changes to gallery items). In order for changes to be shown in the published template, the project must be submitted again. The new version will then replace the old one, once we've approved it.

What isn't suitable for publishing in the Gallery?

Please note that we do not publish all submissions to the Overleaf Gallery. In particular, your project will not be published if:

  • It belongs to a category for which we are no longer accepting new submissions, or does not meet the submission requirements for its category.
  • It contains identifiable personal details, such as a CV, resume, or personal statement. Please use only dummy text or sample data if you wish to provide a template for reports, theses, etc.
  • It appears to still be a work-in-progress, or it is a completed work (such as a preprint article).
  • It violates our acceptable use policy.
  • It has very limited intended audience; this includes activity sheets, homework assignments for students, course project reports and similar.
  • It is a template similar to others in the gallery.

Please note that at this time, the Overleaf Gallery is not accepting new CV/Resume template submissions.

We have provided alternative methods of sharing in the section below which you may find helpful in these cases.

Other ways to share templates, examples and completed works

In many cases, the Overleaf Gallery isn’t the easiest way to share your templates and examples. We’ve put together the following suggestions based on certain types of projects we often see submitted to the Gallery.

Personal templates

Often we find users have a certain set of files that they like to use in all their LaTeX projects; these essentially form a “personal template” specific to that user.

If you have a project on Overleaf that you're looking to use as a personal template, you can create copies of such a project without publishing them to the Gallery—how to do that is explained in the article Making a copy of a project.

This is often much more appropriate than submitting to the Overleaf Gallery, as personal templates are usually very specific to the individual, and not designed to be a general starting point for other users. If you do wish to share such a template with others, you can also do this very simply, by sharing the read-only link, which allows others to clone the project for their own use.

Homework assignment templates and activity sheets

If you are looking to provide a simple LaTeX document as an activity sheet for your students, or to distribute homework/assignment problems for your class, we now generally recommend that you keep it as a personal template that you distribute to your students through a read-only link (which you can email or post somewhere for your students), as described above. Your students can then clone an editable copy to their own Dashboards.

You can find more information on these two steps (sharing, and cloning) in the following help articles:

Doing this avoids the overhead of Gallery moderation, allows you to quickly make changes to your document if needed (any change in a Gallery item requires an additional submission moderation), and also distributes the document to its intended audience more easily.

Completed homework assignments

As a follow up to the above, if you’re a student and are looking to submit or hand in your homework or assignment, please be aware that submitting to the Overleaf Gallery will not submit your homework to your course! Please check with your professor or teaching assistant to confirm how assignments are expected to be submitted.

Preprints or other completed works

Please note that we no longer accept preprints or other completed works to the Gallery, unless they are intended to be an educational example and clearly marked as such.

If you wish to publish a completed work from Overleaf, we recommend using an appropriate third-party destination for your work. In the case of preprints or other research outputs, this could be one of the many preprint servers that now support different disciplines (such as the arXiv and bioRxiv), or alternatively via a more general publishing platform such as figshare.

Overleaf guides

LaTeX Basics


Figures and tables

References and Citations


Document structure





Field specific

Class files

Advanced TeX/LaTeX