LaTeX templates — XeLaTeX

LaTeX template for SPEIT engineering internship report. 巴黎高科学院工程师实习LaTeX模板。

Haixing Hu 原项目主页: Zachary Cao 修改了部分格式,并对完全跨平台编译做了适配,使之运行在 Overleaf 平台上。 Zachary Cao 的项目主页:

mathbook in Arabic

A resume template which is forked from and modifies Awesome CV, a LaTeX resume template. It is easy to customize your own template, especially since it is really written by a clean, semantic markup. This template has been downloaded from: (Feb. 2019) Original author: Claud D. Park Modifications by: Junhao Dong

این قالب مربوط به دانشگاه تفرش است.

Thesis template for the MME program at Saint Martin's University based on Dissertate.

Submission instructions for the 6th International Sanskrit Computational Linguistics Symposium (ISCLS)

Awesome CV Gold is LaTeX template for a CV (Curriculum Vitae), Résumé or Cover Letter inspired by Fancy CV and Awesome CV (posquit0). For the code to run, the compiler must be XeLaTeX. It is easy to customize your own template, especially since it is really written by a clean, semantic markup.

Minimalist, Easy to use, Pretty, Article based format for book reports meant for people new to LaTeX Author: Sean_Rai (September 2018) Description: This is a simple but pretty looking article format. Use this to write book reports, or articles for homework, or for creative writing assignments. This format is targeted towards people who are new to LaTeX, don't want to fight with it, but just want a nice looking article at the end.
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