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First, export a .bib file from your reference manager, or create a .bib file manually. Then, upload the .bib file via the files menu. You can also import .bib files via the direct Mendeley or Zotero integration which is available to those on paid plans.

Once your bibliography file has been uploaded, there are a number of bibliography packages which can be used to display the relevant entries in your document (as you cite them). As an example, we often use the natbib package, and the commands for natbib look like:


You can also edit the bib file directly via the files menu. For additional information on adding a bibliography to your document, see Part 2 of our Intro to LaTeX course or check out the LaTeX Wikibook.

Overleaf guides

LaTeX Basics


Figures and tables

References and Citations


Document structure





Field specific

Class files

Advanced TeX/LaTeX