Community articles — Presentations
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With the massive popularity of Bayes' Theorem as well as the default use of Gaussian/Normal distributions for common data sets, we were keen to better understand firstly, if the assumption to use the Normal distrubition on differing data sets was a fit or not, and secondly, how to take the Normal distribution and Bayes' Theorem and apply it in use via repeatable code.

Estudo Bíblico sobre a bênção de poder contribuir financeiramente no Reino de deus

Going over guidelines for successful code reviews

Sermão apresentado à Igreja Presbiteriana Central de Coronel Fabriciano - MG

Algebra Linear

Shows how to interpolate fields so as to enforce conservation of line, surface and volume integrals.

Es todo el conjunto de ideas, tecnología, diseño, instrumentos, equipos o servicios que bien seleccionados y ordenadamente relacionados entre sí, contribuyen a obtener resultados analíticos fiables. En los procesos industriales, según la severidad de las especificaciones se han desarrollado diferentes estrategias de control que requieren conocimiento puntual de ciertas variables que determinan la calidad del proceso.

This presentation is about our senior design project report.

Estudo Bíblico apresentado na Igreja Presbiteriana Central de Coronel Fabriciano
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