LaTeX templates and examples — Getting Started

Egy kis segítség azoknak az SZTE-s hallgatóknak, akik a házi feladatokat LaTeX-ben szeretnék elkészíteni.

This LaTeX tutorial will introduce LaTeX, creating a .tex file, sections, body text, tables, figures, mathematical formulas, acknowledgements, and references.

First Class

Hello World in LaTeX

With TikZ 3.0, there’s a new kind of transparency: you can use blend modes. This short Venn diagram example shows how the screen blend mode can be used to create a clear visual effect with just a few lines of code. Overall, there are 16 blend modes to choose from: normal, multiply, screen, overlay, darken, lighten, color dodge, color burn, hard light, soft light, difference, exclusion, hue, saturation, color, luminosity. The code for this example was written by Paul Gaborit, published on TeX.SE and then on This abstract is adapted from that on TeXample. Source:

A template to help students at the University of Bristol with their Mathematical Investigations projects

Curso Básico destinado ao evento do IX SEPE (2019). Neste Projeto tem-se 22 arquivos iniciais para aprender o básico de LaTeX com Overleaf

Problem set template with instructions

A plain template we use to teach an introduction to LaTeX for our second year undergraduate stats course.
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