Diese Vorlagen wurden von Overleaf-Mitarbeitern für ihre hohe Qualität und positiven Rückmeldungen von Overleaf-Nutzern in den letzten Jahren ausgewählt
This is an bare bones CV created using altacv.cls (v1.7.2, 25 Aug 2024), which is based on the style of Marissa Mayer's
CV created by BusinessInsider using enhancv. (You can find a re-created example of that CV using AltaCV here.)
Examples of producing a publication list and referees section is provided on the second page.
This is an bare bones CV created using altacv.cls (v1.7.2, 25 Aug 2024), which is based on the style of Marissa Mayer's
CV created by BusinessInsider using enhancv. (You can find a re-created example of that CV using AltaCV here.)
Examples of producing a publication list and referees section is provided on the second page.
This is an example CV created using altacv.cls (v1.7.2, 28 Aug 2024), based on Marissa Mayer's
CV created by BusinessInsider using enhancv.
You can edit a "bare bones" AltaCV template as well. Examples of producing a publication list and referees section is provided on the second page.
Particle Accelerator Society of Japan (PASJ) Template of proceedings of annual meeting of PASJ, 2024 version
Please choose "LaTeX" engine for upLaTeX processing, or choose "LuaLaTeX" engine for LuaLaTeX processing. Results are mostly the same.
2024年版の加速器学会年会プロシーディングス(TeX用テンプレートファイル)作成案内、兼PDFファイル作成サンプルが含まれています。LaTeX (upLaTeX) または LuaLaTeX でコンパイルすることが できます。
(c) 2024 Particle Accelerator Society of Japan. All Rights Reserved.
Kazuro Furukawa
Kazuro Furukawa, Par!cle Accelerator Society of Japan (PASJ)
This document contains the instructions for preparing a camera-ready manuscript for the proceedings of ACL-2015. The document itself conforms to its own specifications, and is therefore an example of what your manuscript should look like. These instructions should be used for both papers submitted for review and for final versions of accepted papers. Authors are asked to conform to all the directions reported in this document.