Community articles — Reports
Write up experiments and research with LaTeX templates for project and lab reports—including layout guidelines to help guide you through the writing process.

Making predictions is something a business or system depends on, which is indirectly dependant on data analytics. Data analytics is the science of analyzing raw data in order to make conclusions about that information.This analysis can then be used to optimize processes to increase the overall efficiency of a business or system. The dataset here, that we have obtained from Kaggle, is a sample of the transactions made in a retail store on Black Friday. The store wants to know better the customer purchase behaviour against different products.

taxi fare prediction

Informe 1

SAR image clustering

Laboratory where LEX is compared to C

Buffer overflow attacks, Integer overflow attacks and other forms of attack.

The viscosity of a particular fluid is an interesting parameter that plays an important role in fluid dynamics of that fluid. We chose the common household cooking item canola oil. Using a ball drop, we set out to measure viscosity at various temperatures and create a model for the viscosity of canola oil as a function of temperature, as well as an accurate measurement for viscosity at room temperature. It was found that the viscosity between 0 and 40 degrees Celsius can be approximated using an exponential function and that an estimation for viscosity at room temperature was not very difficult to obtain. The precision of this measurement was limited by uncertainty in lab equipment used to measure various quantities as well as the image analysis software we used and the limited frame-rate of our camera.

O conceito de automação residencial é definido como o conjunto de serviços proporcionados por sistemas tecnológicos integrados, sendo a melhor maneira de satisfazer as necessidades básicas de segurança, comunicação, gestão energética e conforto de uma habitação. Seguindo essa concepção, surgiu-se a ideia da criação de um Kit automatizado para janelas utilizando a plataforma Arduíno, visando a solução de problemas do dia a dia como o transtorno causado pela chuva e principalmente, gerando praticidade e comodidade para os cidadãos.

En ingenieria un canal es una construccion cuyo destino es el transporte de fluidos en donde se busca realizar una descripcion del comportamiento hidraulico de los canales, en este trabajo se busca determinar ciertos parametros de un canal para observar el comportamiento del agua en este y calcular parametros por medio del flujo crítico en donde se deben plantear una serie de ecuaciones en función de su tirante crítico (Yc).
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