LaTeX templates and examples — Two-column

A performance time evaluation between a C lexer and a Lex generated lexer.

Template for Submission to IJCAI-19; downloaded from the conference's Author's Kit page.

How to conceal objects from electromagnetic radiation has been a hot research topic. Radar is an object detection system that uses Radio waves to determine the range, angle, or velocity. A radar transmit radio waves or microwaves that reflect from any object in their path. A receive radar is typically the same system as transmit radar, receives and processes these reflected wave to determine properties of object. Different organizations are working onto hide object from the radar in outer space. Any confidential object can be taken through space without being detected by the enemies. This calls for necessity of devising new method to conceal an object electromagnetically.

A useful document for game designers to layout your ideas in a way that makes sense to outsiders. It's not 100% necessary to have all of these sections always do what is best for your projects which may need special sections such as 'narrative' or if your project is far more script heavy then look into LaTeX plugins for UML and class diagrams to make your doc extra pretty.

For an electron moving in a circular path in a magnetic field, if we know the magnetic field strength, accelerating voltage, and radius of the electron's trajectory, then we can make an estimation of the electron's charge to mass ratio. We calculated an average charge to mass ratio of \(2.08 \times 10^{11} \pm 1.81 \times 10^8\) Coulombs per kilogram.

Transferencia de calor en intercambiadores depasos múltiples

Se determinan las variables relacionadas con las operaciones de transferencia de calor en flujos laminares de forma experimental para un sistema agua/aceite en régimen estacionario. Estas variables son la tasa de transferencia de calor, diferencia logarítmica de temperatura media, el coeficiente global de transferencia de calor, los coeficientes de película dentro y fuera de los tubos, viendo el efecto de la velocidad del fluido en estas variables. Además se compara el perfil de temperatura de la disposición en contra-corriente, con la disposición en co-corriente. Al final se busca establecer la relación entre los números de Nusselt y Graetz en tuberías de sección circular.

Biometric refers to the automatic identification of a person based on his or her physiological and individual characteristics that can be easily verified. Among the featured measures of this system are face, fingerprint, speech recognition, retinal and signature etc. To fortify the actual presence of a real trait against a fake self-generated sample biometric system is used. In this research paper, the focus is laid on basic techniques for security system. Face recognition. In face recognition, facial recognition algorithms identify facial features by extracting landmarks, or features, from an image of the subject’s face. [1]We can apply it to the servo motors using train database and test database. If the data matches the train database, it sends the command to the servo motors which in turn will open the door. [2]The UI displays ACCESS ACCEPTED or ACCESS DENIED based on the recognition using test and trained databases.This system is implemented using MATLAB.

2017年度人工知能学会全国大会(JSAI2017)の原稿テンプレートです。 公式のスタイルファイルをダウンロードし、文字コードをUTF-8に変換して、overleafで執筆できるようにしたものです。 下記URLの原稿執筆案内を参照し、各自の責任でお使いください。
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