LaTeX templates and examples — Two-column

A paper template to be used by students of ERSC graduation

Modelo de escrita de artigo científico para o INCITEL - Congresso de Iniciação Científica do Inatel.

首都大学東京システムデザイン学部情報通信システムコース卒論用テンプレート Faculty of Tokyo System Design, Tokyo Metropolitan University Information and Communication System Course Graduation Template

人工知能学会LaTeXスタイルファイル・LaTeX style file of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence

A Two-column CV template based on moderncv.cls


This LaTeX template should be used for the submission of full papers, extended abstracts, documentations of music, artworks, demos, installations, workshops etc. A Word template and further information will be provided on the ICAD2024 website:

Template and Guidelines for the PRW (Pattern Recognition Workshop) Proceedings. Maintained by Uni.-Prof. Peter M. Roth. University of Veterinary Medicine, Vienna

This is the LaTeX template to be used for submissions to the Conference on Vision and Intelligent Systems. Last updated by Nicholas Pellegrino ( in October 2023.
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