LaTeX templates — Beamer

在前人提供的清华大学Beamer模板的基础上加入了支持中文的功能. 使用xelatex可以成功编译.

This template does not comply with the design manual at the University of Oslo from 2022. Beamer theme for the Department of Mathematics at the University of Oslo. This theme uses the aspect ratio 16:9, which fills out more of the computer screen than the standard 4:3 ratio. It is intended for digital lectures, rather than canvas presentations.

A simple dark beamer theme using the Nord color theme. Repository: CTAN:

A template for creating your presentation slides of a thesis at HSLU. You can generate slides with or without notes.

Vorlage für Proseminare und Fachprojekte

KIT ETP Belle beamer template

A LaTeX template based on the official HiLumi Powerpoint Template.

Unofficial beamer template for IMPA, "Instituto de Matemática Pura e Aplicada", Brazil.

Ubuntu based colour and font theme for LaTeX Beamer. Source: The main file was originally created by the ShareLaTeX team, based on the style file provided. This template was originally published on ShareLaTeX and subsequently moved to Overleaf in December 2019.
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