LaTeX templates — Reports
Write up experiments and research with LaTeX templates for project and lab reports—including layout guidelines to help guide you through the writing process.

The template demonstrates a minimal working example of a technical report in computer science and software engineering. It applies the cs-techrep LaTeX class (

Example template for a physics project report, loading common packages for mathematical typesetting, graphics, tables, and showing how to use them in a document.

PhD at Energy Transition in Politecnico Di Torino, Turin Italy

PFE Report Template for INPT students.

Optimize your research document creation with this LaTeX template tailored for article development, emphasizing ease of use, fast rendering, and a clean yet classic aesthetic. With its straightforward navigation, the template streamlines document creation, ensuring efficiency at every step. If you have any questions regarding the template, its usage, or encounter any errors you're struggling with, please feel free to open an issue in this repository, or contact me via email at This template is publicly available on GitHub. Version: 1.0.1

Formato de monografia U.D.F.J.D.C.

An unofficial final project template for mathematics students in Braude College of Engineering. Hebrew version

Gabarit pour le rapport des masters IPGP

Dies ist eine Vorlage für die PA2 Projektarbeit FIW Konstruktion und Bau eines Gießwerkzeugs mit Sensorik für Temperatur und Wärmestromdichte. Diese Vorlage sollte der Dokumentation unterstützend beiwirken. Weiterhin ist diese Dokument auch für alle weiteren Overleaf user frei verfügbar und kann genutzt werden.
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