LaTeX templates and examples — Reports
Write up experiments and research with LaTeX templates for project and lab reports—including layout guidelines to help guide you through the writing process.

Ovaj template se može koristiti za pisanje doktorske dizertacije ili završnih radova na Elektrotehničkom fakultetu Univerziteta u Sarajevu-

This paper implements Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) technique to construct a map of a given environment. A Real Time Appearance Based Mapping (RTAB-Map) approach was taken for accomplishing this task. Initially, a 2d occupancy grid and 3d octomap was created from a provided simulated environment. Next, a personal simulated environment was created for mapping as well. In this appearance based method, a process called Loop Closure is used to determine whether a robot has seen a location before or not. In this paper, it is seen that RTAB-Map is optimized for large scale and long term SLAM by using multiple strategies to allow for loop closure to be done in real time and the results depict that it can be an excellent solution for SLAM to develop robots that can map an environment in both 2d and 3d.

Laboratory report template Template made for the course Basic Chemistry at Stockholm University Template creation date: 2018-08-24

Esquema para la publicación de artículos o papers de la Universidad Nacional de San Agustín.

A template that is similar to the HAISA conference style v2018 HAISE recommends using the Microsoft Word (doc) template though. The page limit is 10, including references. I am really thankful Peter Williams ( for the harvard bibliography style Version 2.0.5. I have used his jasa_harvard.sty file.

Pacotes fundamentais

This a template for writing reports in the style of the Stanford Exploration Project (SEP) report.

Propuesta de grado

Template for TUD Report in TU Darmstadt Corporate Design, supporting the correct fonts.
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