LaTeX templates and examples — Theses
LaTeX thesis templates to help you navigate an important step in your career. These thesis templates, many provided by universities as official layout guidelines, include sections to add author information, along with placeholder chapters for your introduction, background, method, results, conclusion / discussion, references, and appendices.

本模板完全按照武汉纺织大学硕士毕业论文模板进行修改,除了某一些中文字体在 LaTeX 中没有以外,其他格式基本保持一致。官方要求的网站地址为

Templat tidak resmi untuk penulisan skripsi FMIPA Universitas Negeri Jakarta. Format disesuaikan dengan panduan penyusunan dan penulisan skripsi Non Dik FMIPA Universitas Negeri Jakarta 2017.

This is an UNOFFICIAL MS Thesis Template for Sejong University.

Plantilla (no oficial) para la elaboración de Proyectos Fin de Grado y de Máster de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. Ha tenido el honor de ser considerado panfleto de quiosco, y por tanto de ser digno de formar parte de aquellos emblemas de la cultura y antaño fuentes vitales de información y entretenimiento. De formar parte de una tradición que celebra la importancia del acceso democrático al conocimiento y al arte de contar historias. De ser parte de estos espacios, donde cada publicación vendida reflejaba el pulso de la sociedad y contribuía a mantener viva la rica tradición de la lectura impresa.

University of Reading Computer Science Report Template and Guide for MSc dissertations. This is a report template as well as has instructions on writing various types of reports: e.g. science and lab, software engineering, and algorithms.

IPLeiria Thesis is an open-source LaTeX template designed for creating professional theses, dissertations, and academic reports specifically tailored for the Polytechnic University of Leiria students. This template, while being the official institutional template, ensures a clean, aesthetically pleasing, and professional design while remaining highly customizable to suit various needs. The template is also user-friendly, making it accessible even for newcomers! Note: This project is publicly available on GitHub. Version: 2.2.4

Thesis template compatible with Macquarie University brand and complying with official university style guide. Set up with amsmath packages and font following Macquarie brand typography. Also available at github:

Template para dissertação, qualificação e demais relatórios oficiais do Proficam.

UBC Okanagan sample thesis template. Initial version from a UBC thesis template; highly modified since. Original ubcthesis.cls created by Michael McNeil Forbes 2001 under LaTeX Project Public License.
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