LaTeX templates — Theses
LaTeX thesis templates to help you navigate an important step in your career. These thesis templates, many provided by universities as official layout guidelines, include sections to add author information, along with placeholder chapters for your introduction, background, method, results, conclusion / discussion, references, and appendices.

Latex Template for BTP at IIT Guwahati

Este modelo é muito completo e deve ser usado como base para nossos trabalhos de TCC.

The template aims at helping students working in the NuSTRAP group (University of Athens, Greece) prepare their thesis (PhD, MSc, BSc). It uses XeLaTeX and Babel packages to facilitate the use of Greek language.

This is a template for TUT theses, based on the 2017 updates to the 2014 Thesis Writing Guide and the Word template made for it. The example document in this template is in the form of a master’s thesis in English, see also the one in the form of a bachelor’s thesis in Finnish. Both templates use the same document class. The comments in the example document show how to change options such as figure numbering and referencing style.

Tämä on pohja TTY:n opinnäytteille, joka perustuu vuoden 2017 päivitettyyn versioon vuoden 2014 opinnäytetyön kirjoitusohjeesta sekä siitä tehtyyn Word-mallineeseen. Tämän pohjan esimerkkiasiakirja on kirjoitettu suomenkielisen kandidaatintyön muotoon, katso myös vastaava englanninkielisen diplomityön muotoon kirjoitettu. Molemmat pohjat käyttävät samaa asiakirjaluokkaa. Esimerkkiasiakirjan kommenteista käy ilmi, miten vaihtaa valintoja kuten kuvien numerointia tai viittaustyyliä.

This template surrounds a document class intended for writing graduate theses at the Technion - Israel Institute of Technology ( The class allows for setting your entire thesis - including the Hebrew parts - into a single PDF, with page numberings going in opposite directions for the left-to-right and right-to-left part, and with appropriate margins, so that when you print the PDF you can immediately bind it as a booklet and submit it. The class adheres to the Technion Graduate School's requirements from submitted theses, which involves some tricky specifics difficult to achieve with generic LaTeX document classes or templates from other universities. It has been officially adopted by the Faculty of Computer Science and is also available from Updates are first made to the github repository at, where you can also report issues and make feature requests, and will occasionally be pushed here.

MDT UFSM 2015 Arquivo base para o documento - ver. 1.08

یک الگو برای پایان نامه فارسی برای دانشگاه علم وصنعت ایران که از فرمت پایان نامه دانشگاه تبریز الگو گرفته است. نویسنده آقای امین طوسی هستند. A template for a Persian dissertation for the University of Science and Technology of Iran, which is based on the dissertation format of Tabriz University.

This very neat and pretty template is based on classifthesis with many modifications to make it more streamlined and nice to the eye. Augmentations include dynamic headers, roman numerals in intro, fonts, unnumbered items appearing in TOC, word index, etc. Original thesis: Free to use this if you reference the original work (bibtex in the acknowledgements)
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