University of Southampton PHD Thesis LaTeX Template
The most recent version of this template and other Southampton LaTeX templates are maintained at
A LaTeX template for dissertations/theses that follows the Rackham Graduate School's formatting guidelines as specified here:
For a full list of contributors and to learn how to help make the template better for everyone, head over to our repository on GitHub:
Good luck with dissertating! You're almost there!
Se presenta el 2º Formato de Tesis para la obtención del título profesional en la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas, Administrativas y Contables (FACEAC) - Universidad Nacional Pedro Ruiz Gallo (Perú).
Espero que resulte del agrado de la comunidad universitaria y el público en general.
Short article template for the SPGD - Simpósio de Pós-Graduação em Design da ESDI. The symposium organized by the Postgraduate Design Program - PPDESDI of the Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro - UERJ
Plantilla de Tesis de la Maestría en Negocios y Tecnología (MBT) . Posgrado autorizado por CONEAU y conforme a las recomendaciones del MOT (Master Of Technology) A BODY OF KNOWLEDGE FOR MANAGEMENT OF
Rias J van Wyk EU Standard